
Factory Reset on Samsung Galaxy S22

Factory Reset on Samsung Galaxy S22, how to restore factory data on Samsung Galaxy S22, resetting phone settings on Samsung Galaxy S22, Hard Reset Samsung Galaxy S22.

How to factory reset Samsung Galaxy S22 when it’s turned off?

If you want to perform a factory reset on Samsung Galaxy S22 using external phone buttons in case of forgetting the screen lock, be cautious as formatting the device to unlock the screen lock will delete all data on the phone.

1- Turn off the phone using the Power button.

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2- Press the Power + Volume Up keys (some phones may require connecting a USB cable).

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3- Once the “Samsung Galaxy” logo appears, release the Power button and continue holding the Volume Up button.

4- From the recovery menu, choose “Wipe data factory reset” with the Power button.

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5- Scroll down to “Reset settings to factory defaults”.

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6- Samsung Galaxy S22 will perform a factory reset and return you to the main recovery page.

7- Choose the first option, “Reboot system now,” using the Power button.

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8- The phone will restart, and once it’s open again, follow the instructions to complete the setup.

How to perform a factory reset on Samsung Galaxy S22 from the settings?

1- Go to “Settings”.

Factory Reset

2- Enter “General Management”.

Factory Reset

3- Click on “Reset”.

how to restore factory data

4- Choose “Factory data reset”.

how to restore factory data

5- Scroll down and tap on “Reset”.

Hard Reset

6- Press “Delete all”.

Hard Reset

7- Samsung Galaxy S22 will perform a factory reset from the settings.

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